No. | ResearchProjects | FundingInstitutions |
1 | TourismDevelopment and Rural Economy | NationalPlanning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences |
2 | AnalyticalTools and Statistical Indicators of the Contribution of the EventManagement Industry to Shanghai’s Economy | Ministry ofEducation |
3 | Dilemma inTravel Services Profession under the Interaction between ConfucianTraditions and Market Economy | Ministry ofEducation |
4 | A Cognitiveand Affective Approach to the Mechanism of Trust fromSuperiors | Ministry ofEducation |
5 | TheAcceleration of the Pace of Turning Shanghai into an InternationalCultural Exchange Center | ShanghaiPlanning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences(SPOPSS) |
6 | The Appealof the Shanghai World Expo and Shanghai TouristDestinations | SPOPSS |
7 | Developmentof the Shanghai Hospitality Industry in 2010 | TheDevelopment Research Center of the Shanghai MunicipalGovernment |
8 | FrontierIssues in China’s Event Management Industry | The ShanghaiEducation Commission (SEC) |
9 | Promotingthe Integrity of the Shanghai Tourism Market | SEC |
10 | Interactionbetween Modern Services Sector and Regional Economy | SEC |
11 | Developmentof Shanghai’s Leisure and Tourism Industry | SEC |
12 | JiangxiLinshan Tourism Planning | The JiangxiTourism Planning Institute |
13 | Standardization ofShanghai’s Tourism Market | The ShanghaiTourism Administration (STA) |
14 | FrontierIssues in Tourism Standardization | STA |
15 | Developmentof Tourism in Shanghai | STA |
16 | ShanghaiLocal Standards: Services Quality Requirements on TouristCenters | STA |
17 | PromotingTourism among City Residents | STA |
18 | PromotingSongjiang in the Shanghai World Expo Tour Package | The TourismAdministration of Shanghai’s Songjiang District |
19 | SongjiangTourism Development Planning: 2009-2020 | The Commerceand Tourism Administration of Songjiang District |
20 | Cultivationand Distribution of Tourist Human Resources in Songjiang | The ScienceCommission of Songjiang District |
21 | Developmentof the Combined Air and Rail Transport Services for Tourism Marketin the Yangtze River Delta | The ShanghaiAirport Authority |
22 | ConceptualPlanning for Cultural Tourism and Eco-industry Belt in ZhengzhouCity | The ShanghaiTongji Urban Planning and Designing Institute |
23 | Post-ExpoArtistic Performances in the Shanghai World Expo CultureCenter | The ShanghaiWorld Expo Culture Center |
24 | EventEconomy Development Planning for Yulin City in Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region | ExpositionAffairs Bureau of Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang AutonomousRegion |
25 | The 12thFive-Year Development Plan for Tourism in the SongjiangDistrict | The Commerceand Tourism Administration of Songjiang District |
26 | The 12thFive-Year Development Plan for Tourism in Shanghai | The ShanghaiTourism Administration |