Wonder Fairs is anexhibition services company established by Event Managementstudents of the School in 2006. The School has done everything itcan to help students create a stage to demonstrate their potentialsand capabilities. The simulated company provides students withhands-on business experience and a unique opportunity to put whatthey have learned into practice, thus having a positive impact onstudents' career planning and development.
TheOn-campus Cosmetics Show running into its sixth year in 2011 is aflagship event organized by Wonder Fairs. The Show provides a goodplatform for Event Management students to apply theories topractices. Through the Show, students have a better understandingof all aspects of event management, from business idea inception toimplementation, from market research to the choice of the theme ofthe show, from inviting participant companies to customer servicesduring the show.
HeraTravel Services HeraTravel Services Company is a firm established by Tourism Managementstudents in the School in December 2009. The mission of Hera is tohelp build a bridge between the school, the students and thecommunity. The executive team of Hera consists of one generalmanager and five section chiefs. Hera is entirely staffed withTourism Management students. Hera attaches great importance tocomprehensive staff training, covering various aspects such astourist guiding in Chinese and English, travel package designing,and destinations promotion. The experience of working in Heragreatly enhances students' professional knowledge andskills.
Tourism Festival, themonth-long premier event hosted by Hera, has run into its thirdyear in 2011. The festival, which involves competitions, lecturesand seminars, is designed to promote eco-friendly travel amongfaculty and students. The festival is now part of the series ofevents of Shanghai Tourism Festival with the theme Better Tourism,Better Life. |