International Business School boasts well-designed curriculum, inclusive courses in business education, and outstanding teaching faculty. The School offers five undergraduate programs, i.e. International Economics and Trade, Economics (International investment orientation), E-Commerce, International Business (Sino-Australian cooperative program), Logistics Management (Sino-Australian cooperative program), one undergraduate double-degree program in International Economics and Trade, and one diploma program in International Trade (Sino-Australian cooperative program). The programs cover two fields of study, i.e. Economics and Management Science. The School also offers graduate programs in International Trade, Industrial Economics and-Regional Economics. In addition, it offers a Sino-foreign master’s degree program in Logistics Management.


International Trade, as one of the key disciplines at the Shanghai Municipal level, embraces such research institutions as WTO and the Multilateral Trading System Research Base. Industrial Economics, International Logistics and Supply Chain Management and International Economics and Trade are the major features of the school.


International Business School, of which 78% of the faculty members are professors or associate professors with doctorial degrees, is well dedicated to the teaching and research in the field of international business.


International Business School is actively engaged in international cooperation and exchanges. SIFT and RMIT University in Australia initiated their cooperative programs in 1996 with the approval of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. Since then, the two universities have made concerted efforts in running various joint programs. There has seen increasing student and faculty exchanges between the International Business School and its overseas counterparts, such as the University of Leeds, University of Nottingham, University of Toronto, Molson University, University of Western Ontario Ivey, HAN University of Applied Science, Suffolk University, St. Mary’s University, and Hamlin University, etc. Each year, international students from Australia, France, the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and other countries come to study in the International Business School.