The mission of the Schoolis to foster application-oriented professionals in tourism andevent management with global vision. The School has forged broadand deep ties with leading universities around the world. Currentinternational cooperative programs include:


Sino-German CooperativeProgram in Event Management (Bachelor's Degree)

Launched in 2004, theSino-German Cooperative Program in Event Management (Bachelor'sDegree) is run jointly by the School and Germany's HochschuleOsnabruck (University of Applied Sciences, The Program is approvedby China's Ministry of Education, and accredited and supported bythe German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher AkademischerAustausch Dienst or DAAD).


The program has thefollowing features:
1. Over ten core courses have been franchised by HochschuleOsnabruck.
2. Franchised courses are exclusively taught in English.
3. Courses are jointly delivered by faculty members of SIFT andHochschule Osnabruck.
4. Upon successful completion of all the required courses, studentswill receive dual degrees awarded by SIFT and HochschuleOsnabruck.
5. Students are eligible for scholarship to support their study inHochschule Osnabruck for up to a semester.
6. Students are eligible for scholarship to participate in summerstudent exchange programs.
7. Students are eligible for scholarship granted by internationalexhibition organizations to participate in major internationalexhibitions and exchange programs.

Sino-British 3+1 StudentExchange Program in Tourism Management (Bachelor'sDegree)

TheSino-British 3+1 Student Exchange Program in Tourism Management(Bachelor's Degree) is jointly hosted by the School and theUniversity of Central Lancashire in the UK (UClan,

TheTourism Management Program in UClan has been among the best inGreat Britain. In 2011, its Tourism Program was ranked the 5thnationally by The Guardian( the 3rd by The Times.

bodies. Its Tourism Program has establishedclose cooperation with internationalorganizations

The program has thefollowing features:
1. Upon completion of three years of study in SIFT, students may beselected to go to UClan to study for the fourth year.
2. Upon successful completion of the all the prescribed courses,students will receive double degrees awarded by SIFT andUClan.
3. Students awarded a bachelor's degree through the studentexchange program are eligible for a reduction in tuition, when theyapply for admission to UClan master'sprogram.

Sino-French StudentExchange Program in Tourism Management (Bachelor'sDegree)

The Sino-French StudentExchange Program in Tourism Management (Bachelor's Degree) isjointly run by the School and La Rochelle Business School in France(

The Tourism Program in La RochelleBusiness School is ranked one of the best in France. Itsbusiness-related programs have been certified by manyinternational such the UnitedNations.


Theprogram has the following features:
1. Students may be selected to go to La Rochelle Business Schoolfor study in the first semester of the third academicyear.
2. Credits earned during the study overseas are recognized by bothschools.
3. Exchange students sent from SIFT are exempt from tuition duringtheir study in La Rochelle Business School.