Jointly run by the School and Germany's HochschuleOsnabruck (University of Applied Sciences), the 4-year EventManagement Program enables students to develop specialist knowledgeand skills in modern business management, marketing and eventmanagement, and prepares students for senior managerial positionsin international event management companies and governmentagencies.


Withthe introduction of 15 core courses from Hochschule Osnabruck, theEvent Management Program is taught exclusively in English, adoptsadvanced pedagogy at the classrooms, and focuses on the cultivationof professional competency. Courses are delivered mainly by a teamof 16 German teachers, 12 of whom are professors and 11 hold Ph.D.degrees. The Program has an Event Management Studio for studentinternship and Wonder Fairs, a simulated company run independentlyby the students. In addition to classroom instructions, the Schoolhas developed close contacts with the event management industry toprovide students with on-the-job training and internshipopportunities. The Program has been given many prizes, awards andhonors, including the First Prize for Teaching Excellence in EventManagement from the Shanghai Education Commission and the AnnualAward for Outstanding Sino-Foreign Cooperative Program in EventManagement from the China Convention and Exhibition Society. Inaddition, Event Management students won the championship in theNational Competition of Professional Skills in Event Management andthe second place in the Cross-Strait Competition of MarketingSkills contested by university students throughout China. EventManagement students are widely recognized by industry and societyfor their international vision, English competence, and eventmanagement expertise.


Graduates from the EventManagement Program have good career opportunities, and some chooseto further their studies in domestic and overseas universities, forexample, in 2011, many students were admitted to the master'sprograms in prestigious universities such as Beijing ForeignStudies University, Illinois Institute of technology, London Schoolof Economics and Political Science, HEC Paris, QueenslandUniversity of Technology, and City University of HongKong.

==============setpage==============Tourism ManagementProgram
The 4-year Tourism Management Program aims to develop tourismprofessionals with sound knowledge of management, Englishproficiency, and professional expertise who can work in topmanagerial posts in travel agencies, tourist destinations andgovernment departments. The curriculum design stresses tourismmanagement, English language competence, and businessadministration.

The TourismManagement Program with specialization in tourism servicesmanagement and international tour guides has eight full-timefaculty members, with three professors and two associateprofessors. The Program has an internship studio and a simulatedtravel services company named Hera, which is run independently bythe students. In addition to classroom lectures, the Programprovides students with opportunities of on-site learning and globaltravel promotion training. IT-based information management systemsfor travel agencies and hotels are being introduced to the Program.The student exchange program in partnership with the University ofCentral Lancashire (UClan) in Britain allows students to have anenriching international learning experience. Faculty members alsoinvolve students in their research projects based on students'specific academic interests to advance their research skills andbroaden their horizons. The students have received many prizes,awards and honors, such as the Grand Prize in the National EnglishContest and the Third Prize in the Challenge Cup of NationalEntrepreneurial Design Competition contested by university studentsnationwide. The Program strives to become a preeminent think tankproviding expert policy advice to tourism authorities in Shanghaiand beyond.

Graduates fromthe Tourism Management Program have good employment prospects, andsome choose to further their studies in domestic and overseasuniversities, for example, in 2011, many students were admitted tomaster's programs in renowned universities such as BeijingUniversity, Fudan University, Shanghai University of Finance andEconomics, University of Central Lancashire, and Swiss HotelManagement School.