The School inherits thefine tradition of SIFT and aims to foster students’inter-disciplinary capabilities by combining their study inStatistics and Information with a good mastery of foreign languagesand business knowledge. Graduates can be employed in government,multinational corporations, financial institutions, or informationand technology departments. Committed to the fundamental goal ofhelping students succeed, the School organizes a variety of studentactivities such as the Mathematical Festival (Advanced MathematicsCompetition, Mathematical Modeling Competition), ComputerApplication Competition and so on. A number of quality assurancesystems are in place, such as the supervisor system forundergraduates, the after-class tutorial hour system and theacademic performance early warning system, all aimed at buildingthe reputation of the School in student cultivation. Based on theexisting international exchange programs of SIFT, the School hasestablished partnership with universities in the United States,Australia and other countries as well as regions like Hong Kong SARand Taiwan. Outstanding students are selected every year toparticipate in exchange programs with partner universities. TheSchool provides internship by working with Shanghai Pudong SoftwarePark, Alibaba Group, Shenzhen Eton Electromechanical Science &Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai Oriental CJ Business Co. Ltd. (OCJ),SPSS China, Tata Information Technology (China) Co. LTD, ShanghaiInformation Investment Consulting Co. Ltd, South China Futures, BOCInternational Futures, etc. The programs in the School have greatpotential for further development in China. Employment rate of 2011graduates ranked the first place in SIFT.