Deion Aiming at becoming alocal leader and a nationally recognized provider of education forbusiness statistics, the program is designed to meet the needs ofthe business world by delivering professionals specialized in dataanalysis and treatment for business. Curriculum Courses providedcan be divided into the following modules: (1) Foundation Module ofMathematics: Mathematics Analysis, Higher Algebra, Probability,Mathematical Statistics, etc; (2) Major Module: StatisticalSoftware, Applied Stochastic Processes, Applied MultivariateStatistical Analysis, Survey Sampling, Nonparametric Statistics,Time Series Analysis, National Economics Statistics, etc; (3)Business and Management Module: Macroeconomics, Microeconomics,Management Principles, International Trade, International Finance,Trade Statistics, Finance Statistics, Insurance Statistics,Accounting Principles, etc.

>>Bachelor’s Programof Information Management & Information Systems


All instructors involved inthe program hold doctor’s degrees from prestigious Chinese orforeign universities. Information management specialists fromenterprises with both solid theoretic foundation and abundantpractical experiences are appointed as part-time teachers, who playan important role in practice-based teaching and studentinternship. The program aims to distinguish itself in the area ofinformation management for foreign trade and in particular forservice trade while the construction of the Service Trade Databankfor Shanghai and the Yangtze Delta Region is now underway.


.Career Prospects

Through consistent effortsto research and reform teaching methodology and search for atraining model that is adapted to the development of times, theprogram is designed to produce graduates that have a goodfoundation of theories in economics and management, master thebasic methods and technologies in information science, proficientin a foreign language and international trade, with a wide scope ofknowledge, strong ability and comprehensive quality to meet theneed of informatization. Graduates will be application-orientedspecialists who can solve practical problems in the development,utilization and management of information resources as well asproblems in the analysis and design of information systems.?Graduates will be able to work in government, enterprises,multinational corporations or financial organizations, in charge ofthe collection and analysis of information, or the design,operation and management of information systems. This program is 4years long and students are awarded Bachelor’s Degree of Managementupon successful completion.


. Curriculum

Core courses includeEconomics, Principles of Management, Statistics, InternationalTrade, Information Management, JAVA and Object-orientedProgramming, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Operating Systems,Principles and Applications of Database, Computer Network andAnalysis, and Design of Information Systems.