Faculty The MathematicsTeaching Department of the School consists of 9 full-timeinstructors, of whom four are Associate Professors, four Lecturers,and one Teaching Assistant. Three own doctor’s degrees and sixmaster’s degrees. Courses The Department undertakes the teaching ofall public mathematics courses at SIFT and basic mathematicscourses for the Bachelor’s Program of Statistics, includingAdvanced Mathematics, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Theory ofProbability, Mathematical Statistics, Operations Research,Marketing Research, Game Theory, etc. ?Teaching Public mathematicscourses are divided into three levels, Level A, Level B and Level Cto meet the different needs of students with different mathematicalfoundation or interests. For example, the teaching and therequirements of Level A math courses, including Calculus (A),Linear Algebra (A) and Theory of Probability and MathematicalStatistics (A), are in line with the syllabus of the math exam forprograms of economics and management in the National Entrance Testfor Master’s Programs. The offices of the Department are on the 4thfloor of Office Building B. |