.FacultyThere are nine instructors altogether, with one Professor, twoAssociate Professors, and six Lecturers. Of them, one holds aDoctor’s degree, seven Master’s, and one Bachelor’s. Courses TheDepartment undertakes the teaching of computer courses for allstudents at SIFT, both at the undergraduate level and postgraduatelevel. The Department delivers 2 compulsory courses: ComputerApplication Foundation I (covering the Level 1 of the ShanghaiComputer Examination) and Computer Application Foundation II (ExcelBusiness Applications and Modeling). In addition, elective coursessuch as Visual Basic Programming, PowerBuilder DatabaseProgramming, the Internet and Business Application, Senior FlashBusiness Animation Design, Practical Computer Technology,Multimedia Technology and Business Applications are also offered toall students at SIFT. ?Teaching Teaching is customized to meet thevaried needs of students from different regions in China whousually have different levels of computer skills. CourseClassification: All courses are divided into 2 levels, namely,basic computer level and business application level. StudentClassification: First-year students are required to take aplacement test upon entering the SIFT. Students with a high scorewill get into the advanced classes where they are exempted fromComputer Applications Foundation I, awarded one credit and startwith Computer Application Foundation II directly, while otherswill enter the regular classes. On-line Teaching: All coursesdelivered by the department are available on the BlackBoardplatform to facilitate students’ self-study and communication withteachers and fellow students by downloading courseware anduploading assignments or works. Recognition of Computer SkillCertificates: Students are encouraged to sit for the ShanghaiCollege Computer Test Band 1 and the national or Shanghai ComputerExamination Level 2 (Visual Basic) respectively when enrolling intothe course of Computer Applications Foundation I and the courseof Visual Basic Programming. Certificate of Pass on these testscan be converted to 75 points to replace the corresponding coursescores, |