Inorder to achieve the goal of internationalization anddiversification, SIFT school of law has spared no efforts invigorously carrying out academic communication and educationalcooperation with famous foreign law schools. It offersopportunities such as bringing in foreign courses, studentsinternational communication and educational cooperation with famousforeign law schools, such as the University of Queensland, AlbanyLaw School, Florida State University College of Law, etc. It offersopportunities such as bringing in foreign courses, studentsinternational communication and overseas study, allying itself withforeign universities and exchanging faculty mutually. Therefore,its faculty and students can broaden their academic horizons,enhance international visions, and benefit from internationalexperience. In addition, law school has entered into a preliminarycooperation agreement with the University of TechnologyAustralia.
Students can apply to abroad for internship, including famousShearman Sterling LLP ‘s Paris office,Linklaters LLP’s Londonoffice and Hong Kong office, etc.



Signing ceremony withAlbany law school



Schloars from KanazawaUniversity Japan visited SIFT law school



DeanLiza Chen visited State University of Florida


.Cooperation withUniversity of Queensland:

◇Cooperation ofUndergraduate Level: Students graduated from SIFT law school, whoseGPA is no less than 2.75 and International English Language TestingService test overall score of 6.5 with a single score of at least6, can apply for the LLM program or Applied LLM program atUniversity of Queensland Australia.

◇Cooperation ofPostgraduate Level:Students pursuing for the master Degree, in linewith the requirements of both SIFT and UQ, can apply for the LLMprogram or Applied LLM program. Each side recognizes the creditsstudents have gained from the other.

.Cooperation with FloridaState University:

Senior studentsor graduates from SIFT law school are able to study at the Stateuniversity of Florida for free and the credits gained arerecognized by SIFT. The same to students from FSU

.Cooperation with AlbanyLaw School:

Students fromSIFT law school are able to have a study tour to Albany law school.The same to students from Albany law school.