.International Law(International Trade Law) The Fifth Round Key Subjects accreditedby Shanghai Municipal Education Commission
This subjectcontains the academic areas as follows, international business law,WTO law, international finance law and private international law.International Economic Law LLB Program was established in 1984 andabout 190 students attend this program annually. LLM Program wasestablished 1994 and about 40 students attend this programannually. International Trade Law Center and InternationalArbitration Center were established in support of this subject. Lawschool publishes the yearbook International Trade Law. Headed by MsLiza Chen, professors mainly specialize in the rule ofinternational business law and international service law. Theresearch achievement of application of international business lawand anti-dumping law is highly-reputed.
.Civil andCommercial law?? Key subject accredited by SIFT