Atpresent, Law School of SIFT undertakes two municipal best-qualitycourses (International Business Law, International Trade Law), fourcore courses valued by Shanghai Education Committee (Economic Law,Corporate Law, International Investment Law, Civil Law) and onemunicipal model course in English (Public International Law).Meanwhile, the Law School edited and published many textbooks, forexample, International Business Law, International Trade Law, Guidefor Basic Law Courses and Guide for Law Practice. In addition,Internet is accessible for faculty and students with basic andprofessional courses.

Centering onthe fourth undergraduate Education Project ofShanghai---“Innovations for the mode of undergraduate law schoolstudents training in financial colleges”, Law School established anadvanced comprehensive law experiment center including aself-developed software for practice training, a moot court, anarbitration tribunal and a simulating law firm). It has formed aquite scientific system for teaching experiment in both single andcomprehensive mode. To meet the requirements of modernizedclinic-type education and present practice-type education, the Lawschool emphasis more on the integrations and innovations inteaching of students’ practice. At the same time, a practicaleducation system, which lasts from class, then to experiments(litigation, arbitration and non-litigation), and finally toextracurricular practice, has been built.






Law firm

Shearman Sterling LLP, Paris office

Linklaters LLP


Lizhao LLP

Zhenhan law firm

Shanghai Fulandelin Law Firm

Shanghai Co-effort Law Firm

Shanghai Kunlun Law Firm

Government Department

The Court Of Changing District

The Court Of Jing’an District

The Court Of Songjiang District

The Court Of Qingpu District

Industry Association

Shanghai Lawyers Association


China International Economic And Trade Arbitration Commission Shanghai Sub-Mission(CIETAC)

Shanghai Arbitration Commission


GF Securities

Shanghai Jiansheng Industrial Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Hicom Technology Industrial Co.,LLC

Fortune Character (China) Co., LLC



besides theuniversity-wide scholarship, we have:

Scholarship of O‘MELVENY& MYERS with the award 7000-13000 RMB

Scholarship of Jones Daywith the award of 12000 RMB

Scholarship of LinklatersLLP with the award of 5000 RMB

Scholarship of FulandelinLaw Firm with the award of 5000 RMB

Scholarship of CIETAC withthe award of 2000-5000 RMB

TheAlumnus scholarship with the award of 3000 RMB

Scholarship of Baiquan LawFirm with the award of 2000RMB

Scholarship of Co-effortLaw Firm


Over the past20-plus years, law school has cultivated numerous remarkabletalents for the country in law and administration. After theirgraduation, they successfully landed their jobs in the state-ownedand foreign-funded enterprises, financial institutions, law firms,government agencies and public institutions including Ministry ofCommerce, law court, O’Melveny & Myers LLP, Linklaters LLP,Junhe law firm, the 4 certified accounting firms, domestic andforeign-funded banks and so forth. Many of them have already risento be the elites in the field of law and foreign trade inChina.
Each year, 30% students in our school are either furthering theirstudies in USA, UK, Australia and Hongkong or admitted aspostgraduates by the domestic prestigious universities such asRenmin University of China, Fudan University, Shang JiaotongUniversity, etc. On top of that, in recent three years, theemployment rate of our undergraduates has exceeded 95% inaverage.

Career guidefrom alumni Career talk by Junhe law firm


Under theguidance of the class tutors and professors from law majors,students’ union of all levels and Party and Youth Leagueorganizations are brought into full play in self-education,self-management and self-service. Meanwhile, they highly value thecombination of knowledge acquisition and cultivation of ideologicalmorality, the association of innovation capability and socialpractices as well as the incorporation of both all-round andindividual development. In this way, they have spontaneouslyorganized a variety of students’ activities in order to enablestudents to meditate on human life and personal growth. Such beingthe case, students will learn to help those in need, contribute tosociety and serve the motherland.

◇Students Awards inRecent Years

Our law Schoolactively organizes students to participate in Internal and externalacademic competitions, for instance, Jessup, moot courtcompetitions, English negotiations competition, legal Englishcompetition, debate, speech contest, academic competition, modelUnited Nations competitions, etc. In the above competitions weachieve successes, meanwhile these competitions forge our students’practical ability and innovation capacity.

Firstprize in Activities of Public Advice and Suggestions on NationalEleventh Five-Year Plan

Firstprize and Best Performance Award in The Philip C. JessupInternational Law Moot Court Competition(ChinaArea)

Championship in SixteenSchools Economic Debate

“Runner-up in “Ai’er Cup”Legal English Competition

ThirdPlace in Knowledge Contest called “Overseas law in my heart, studyof law on the road” in Songjiang District

Awardof Merit in National Juvenile law knowledgecontest

ThirdPlace in “Green Expo, Green Imagination” First EnvironmentalPerformance Art Creative Show

Inthe Heart of the Chinese Expo?Shanghai Expo volunteer styleexhibition, a student called Chen Ye won the title of “volunteerstar”.

Awarded in 2010 ShanghaiExpo volunteer service activities


Legal culturefestival, which upholds the spirit of “Promote the legal culture,rich in cultural activities on campus”,?? brings an academic feastto students in law school every year.

Students DebateTournament——It aims to advocate the academic spirit of“Knowledgeable, deliberative, interrogation, discernment,practice”. It enables students to appreciate the spirit of thedebate, and realize speculation of life.=

LegalAid Center——It aims to insist learning to serve the community, andalways carries out legal literacy campaigns and activity whichhelps vulnerable groups to safeguard their legitimate rights. Itdoesn’t only serve the citizens, but also trains our students’practical ability to enhance the students' social responsibility.Because of which, legal Aid Center has won the title of “CharityStar” in community.

LawAcademic Research Committee——It aims to build a platform withstrong academic atmosphere of law , in where, our students canexchange the law academic research achievement freely to enhancetheir academic abilities.

Backrow from left to right: Counselor Shen Ling, Branch secretary ofParty Chen Baijian, Counselor Shang Zhimin
Front row from left to right: Counselor Chai Yuanyuan, CounselorFeng Yujing, Counselor Qiao Tan, Deputy Secretary of Party BranchLiu Chunhua, Counselor Li Shupeng