LawSchool has always put the faculty development in the first place.Leading, Patriotic, Respectable, Caring, Rigorous, Advancing withthe times are our daily requirements for professors. The key toimproving teaching quality is cultivating young professors. We willuse policy, funding, promotion, and international exchanges to helpyoung professors. Through internal training and research awarding,academic leaders or junior lecturers will be cultivated. Now dayswe have a team of professors, who have a good age structure, withvarious educational backgrounds and knowledge. In addition, wehave also invited a number of influential academics andpractitioners as visiting professors or adjunctprofessors.

Mr.Yongfu Gao, Professor, MA Supervisor Fields:International commercial law, International Trade Law, WorldTrade Organization Law, Anti-dumping law Courses:International Arbitration, World Trade Organization Law,International Trade Law

Professor Jingying Chen, MASupervisor, Dean Fields:International Trade Law, Maritime Law, Contractlaw Course:Maritime Law, International Commercial Law

Professor Jun Feng, MASupervisors Fields:International Economic Law, International Financial Law,International Trade Law, Law of WTO Course:International Financial Law, Law of WTO, InternationalEconomic Law

Professor Liping Hong, MASupervisor Fields:Private International law, Commercial Arbitration, CompanyLaw, Contract Law Course:Private International law, Commercial Arbitration

Professor Xuemei Hu, MASupervisor, Postdoctoral in Civil and Commercial Law Fields:Civil and Commercial Law Course:Civil Law, Civil Remarks, Civil Case Studies

Professor Jie Yin, MASupervisor, Doctor of Laws, Director of Commercial LawDepartment Fields:Economic Law, Commercial Law Course:Economic Law, Commercial Law, Company and Corporation Law,Contract Law E-mail:

Professor Tianxue Mu, S MAupervisor, Director of Administrative ManagementDepartment Fields:Leadership, Business Administration,Administrativesimulation Course:Administrative Leadership, Administrative PracticeSimulation, Business administration

Professor Shoubin Ni, MASupervisor, Doctor of Laws Fields:Securities Law, Trust Law, Financial Law Course:Securities Law, Trust Law, Financial Law
Associate Professor XuDeng, MA Supervisor, Doctor of Laws Fields:International Trade Law, Civil and Commercial Law Course: International Trade Law, Experimentalnon-complaint

Associate Professor JianminCai, MA Supervisor Fields:International Commercial Law, International Trade Law,Contract Law, Comparative Contract Law Course:International Commercial Law, International Trade Law,Contract Law, Comparative Contract Law

Associate Professor MinYin, Doctor of Laws Fields:International Economic Law, International PublicLaw Course:International Economic Law, International CommercialLaw

Associate Professor JieHuang, MA Supervisor, Doctor of Laws Fields:Private International Law, Comparative Law, InternationalCommercial Law, International Economic Law Course:International Commercial Law, Legal English

Associate Professor BaojieQiao, MA Supervisor, Doctor of Laws Fields: Economic Law、Enterprise Law, Company law Course:Corporation and Enterprise Law

Associate Professor PingJia, MA Supervisor Candidates Fields: Economic Law, Anti-Monopoly Law, Consumer ProtectionLaw Course:Economic Law, Market Regulation Legal System, CPA- EconomicLaw

Associate Professor JihongZhang, MA Supervisor Doctor of Laws Fields:Financial Law, Commercial Law, Law of Torts Course:Financial Law, Commercial Law, Law of Torts

Associate Professor ZhigangHong, Doctor of Laws Fields: Financial Law Course:Tax Laws, Financial Law
Associate Professor HongqinYang, MA Supervisor, Doctor of Laws, Director of Basic LawDepartment Fields:Civil Law, Commercial Law, Contract Law Course:Civil Law, Property Law, Contract Law

Associate Professor YashengGui, MA Supervisor, Doctor of Laws Fields: Criminal Law Course:Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law

Associate Professor ChengWang, MA Supervisor, Doctor of Laws Fields: Constitutional and Administrative Law Course:Constitutional and Administrative Law, Administrative Lawand Administrative Litigation Law, Literature search and legalwriting

Associate Professor JinweiHuang, Doctor of Laws Fields: Administrative Law, Social Law Course:Administrative Law, Document Writing

Associate Professor ShuihuiZhang, Doctor of Laws Fields:Social Security, Public Policy, Public Relations Course:Public Relations, Principles of Sociology, Principles ofManagement

Associate Professor JinyingChen, Doctor of political Science Fields: Comparative political systems, political party system, theIndian political Course:Principles of Political Science, Comparative PoliticalSystems, Government and Politics in Contemporary China