
On the basis ofmodern finance theories, faculties of this discipline focus on thebehavioral explanation of China’s multi-level capital market andunderlying systemic risk. In particular, they have an edge onstudying the microstructure, efficiency and institutionaldevelopment of regional markets, esp. Shanghai and Yangtze RiverDelta Economic Zone. Individual research interests include theempirical analysis of the transfer of state-owned shares,restructuring of private enterprises, securitization,identification and measurement of market risk,etc.


Theresearch interest of the faculties lies in structured finance andinvestment of Chinese enterprises in domestic and world markets.This focus is aligned with the Shanghai’s strategic developmentinto an international financial centre. Some of the researchesexplore the dynamic ways of corporate funding and investing forenterprises of different types; some scrutinize the related risksin the process, especially those arising from asset diversificationand derivatives trading against the backdrop of the globalfinancial crisis triggered by the U.S. subprime crisis. The latestresearches include the establishment of an early warning system forenterprises to sense credit risk, exchange risk, interest risk,market risk, etc.

◇International Finance (orInternational Capital Flows)

Facultiesmainly study foreign capital flow to China and its supervision.Researches in this regard are of significant importance in thelight of the sophistication of China’s market economy after itsaccession to the WTO and the strategic development of Shanghai asan international financial centre. Researches focus on exploringthe history and future trend of FDI inflows to the Yangtze RiverDelta Economic Zone, analyzing the heterogeneous impact of China’sentry into the WTO, and discussing capital controls and financialstability in the light of continuing RMBappreciation.

◇Insurance and RiskManagement

Since China’sentry into the WTO, domestic insurance companies have experiencedincreasing competition and higher demand of individuals andcorporations for insurance services. The research division ofinsurance and risk management examines the role of insurancebusiness in facilitating the development of China’s financialmarket and social security system, and studies the investmentbehavior of insurance companies, liberalization of the insurancemarket, financial risk management, and related regulation andsupervision.

◇Tradein Financial Services

Researches inthis regard are sponsored by the National Social Science FundProgram. Studies focus on financial liberalization, financialsecurity and trade in financial services especially in the YangtzeRiver Delta Economic Zone. These studies are of significantimportance in the light of the sophistication of China’s marketeconomy after its accession to the WTO and the strategicdevelopment of Shanghai as an international financialcentre.


◇Financial management---Four-year Joint Program

This programwas launched in 1998 by SIFT and Douglas College of Canada and wonthe Shanghai Municipal Teaching Prize in 2001and the OutstandingInternational Education Award by Canadian government.
By introducing the world-class business school curriculum, thejoint program is designed to prepare bilingual professionals withan internationalized vision, solid theoretical foundations andanalytical thinking, who can work in the financial management fieldin multinational corporations, accounting firms, asset managementcompanies, etc.
20 modules (taught in English) accounting for 60 credits arejointly taught by Chinese and Canadian faculties. These modulesinclude Microeconomics, International Financial Management,Financial Statements Analysis, Case Study in Financial Management,Money, Banking and Financial System, Portfolio Analysis andComputerized Accounting.
Modules taught by Chinese staff include Intensive English Reading,Extensive English Reading, Listening, Speaking, Marketing, AssetValuation, Project Investment Analysis, Fund Management, Merger andAcquisition, Venture Capital Investment, SecuritiesLaw.

◇Financialmanagement(International Asset Management)---Four-yearProgram

This program isdesigned to prepare bilingual professionals with aninternationalized vision, solid theoretical foundations andanalytical thinking, who can work in the field of asset managementin multinational corporations, commercial banks, securities firmsand investment banks.?
Major modules include Accounting, Management, ComputerizedAccounting, Macroeconomics, Statistics, Marketing, Econometrics,Management Accounting, International Financial Management,Financial Reporting, Financial Case Studies, Investment Analysis,International Taxation, Merger and Acquisition, FundManagement.
English courses include Intensive English Reading, ExtensiveEnglish Reading, Listening, Speaking.


Asset Evaluation --- Four-yearProgram
This program is designed to prepare bilingual professionals withinternational perspectives, solid theoretical foundations andstrong problem solving capabilities for careers in accountingfirms, asset valuation institutions, state-owned asset managementcompanies, investment banks, finance companies, multinationalcompanies and corporations.
Major modules include Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Statistics,Econometrics, Corporate finance, International Finance,Intermediate Financial Accounting, Evaluation of Enterprise,Fundamentals of Engineering, Investment banks, Asset evaluation,Project evaluation and Management, Evaluation of RealEstate.
Finance --- Four-year JointProgram
This program was launched in 1998 by SIFT and Douglas College ofCanada and won the Shanghai Municipal Teaching Prize in 2001and theOutstanding International Education Award by Canadian government.This program is designed to prepare bilingual professionals with aninternationalized vision, solid theoretical foundations andanalytical thinking, who can work in multinational commercialbanks, securities firms and investment banks, insurance companiesand other financial institutions.
20 modules (taught in English) accounting for 60 credits arejointly taught by Chinese and Canadian staff. The major modulesinclude Microeconomics、Macroeconomics, Security analysis, CorporateFinance, Statistics, Financial Management, Financial IntermediaryCapital Market, International Financial Management, PortfolioAnalysis, Derivatives and Specialized Products.
Modules taught by Chinese staff include Intensive English Reading,Extensive English Reading, Listening, Speaking, AdvancedMathematics, Marketing, Commercial Bank Management, Public Finance,Principles of Management, Investment Bank Business, and ForeignExchange Business.?

Finance (InternationalBanking) --- Four-year undergraduate program
This program is designed to prepare bilingual professionals with aninternationalized vision, solid theoretical foundations and strongproblem solving capabilities for careers in multinationalcommercial banks, securities firms and investment banks, insurancecompanies and other financial institutions.
Major modules include Financial Engineering, Investment Bankingbusiness, Insurance, International Finance, Macroeconomics,Microeconomics, International Financial Management, CorporateFinance, Public Finance, Econometrics, Accounting, Money andBanking, International Economics, Statistics, Management ofCommercial Banks, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management,financial Reporting, Foreign Exchange business, and PersonalFinancial Planning and Retail Banking.
Financial Engineering --- Four-year undergraduateprogram
This program is designed to prepare bilingual professionals with aninternationalized vision, solid theoretical foundations and strongproblem solving capabilities for careers in multinationalcommercial banks, securities firms and investment banks, insurancecompanies and other financial institutions.
Major modules include Macroeconomics, Microeconomics Money andBanking, International Economics, Fixed-Incomeanalysis,Quantitative Analysis of Investment, Corporate Finance,Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Financial Reporting,CFA theories, Financial engineering, Accounting, Statistics,Derivatives.

Insurance --- Four-year undergraduateprogram
Established in 2003, the insurance program is designed to prepareprofessionals working in insurance companies and insurancebrokers.
Major modules include Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Statistics,Econometrics, Money and Banking, International Finance, Principleof Insurance, Risk Management of Enterprise, Financial RiskManagement, Property Insurance, Life Insurance, Actuarial Science,Management of Insurance Companies, Reassurance, and Social SecuritySystem.

   Inaddition, Finance School is working with overseas prestigiousuniversities and some of the Global Fortune 500 companies in theprogram. At present, 53 students are studying in the all Englishexperimental class.