Finance School attachesgreat importance to academic research and has made greatachievements in discipline development. Finance is one of the keydisciplines granted by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission.Its Master’s program in Finance is one of the five earliestMaster’s programs in Finance in Shanghai. In recent years, facultymembers of the School have undertaken 33 projects at or above theprovincial or ministerial levels such as the National NaturalScience Fund Project and 10 other projects, and have publishedalmost 200 papers in academic journals including Economic Researchand Management World, with research focuses on Capital Market,International Finance, Corporate Finance, Insurance and RiskManagement and Financial Service for Trade etc..
Below are someof the key research projects conducted by the faculty of theSchool:
No. | Project | Sponsor | Project Leader | Time of Initiation | 1 | A study on agency problems and financing decision-making based on differences in the ultimate ownership structure | National Natural Science Fund Project | Yang Shue | 2006 | 2 | On genetic cellular automata model and its application in the complexity of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market | National Natural Science Fund Project | Ying hangjun | 2007 | 3 | A study on the determination of the trade barrier of financial service for trade | National Natural Science Fund Project | Lin Jie | 2010 | 4 | Experimental study on “small probability with a large loss risk” under insurance: cross time decision-making, insurance renewal decision-making and conspicuous consumption perspective | National Natural Science Fund Project | Guo Zhenhua | 2011 | 5 | A study on? strategies for the government regulation of? China's strategic mineral resources based on the GERT network | National Natural Science Fund Project | Yang Ju | 2011 | 6 | Financial bubble economy in unbalanced Global economy – Its influence on China’s economy development and counter |