The self-taughtexamination for higher education, as one form of higher educationbased on self-study, supported by social resources and recognizedthrough national examinations, is a national examination system toassess self-learners’ eligibility for academic credentials. Theself-taught examinations for higher education provided in theShanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (SIFT) were started in 1985.Currently, it administers the self-taught examinations for threeprograms, the Bachelor’s Program of International Trade, theBachelor’s Program of English for Business, and the AssociateDegree Program of International Trade.

As anopen and flexible form of education, the self-taught examinationsfor higher education can be taken by all citizens in the People’sRepublic of China without any restrictions to their gender, age,ethnicity or educational backgrounds. The examinations areadministered every April and October. All the examinations arearranged according to the plans set for special majors to helpself-taught students finish their schooling gradually by finishingcourses one by one and accumulating credits over the time. Gradingfor these exams is by percentages with 100 as the maximum grade and60 the lowest passing grade. Those who fail one exam of a coursecan take another one until they pass it at any time in their life.At present, the average passing percentage at SIFT is 39% for theAssociate Degree program and 58% for the Bachelor’s Degreeprograms. A certificate of Pass is awarded when the student passesan individual course. When the student passes all the examinationsfor courses set in the teaching plan and the final graduationexamination, he will be able to receive a diploma granted by theShanghai Self-Taught Examinations for Higher Education Committeewith the counter signature of SIFT. Those who pass the self-taughtexaminations with an average mark of 70 or above, and the CollegeEnglish Test Band 4 with a score more than or equal to 425 areeligible to apply for a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics or inApplied Linguistics.

TheSelf-Taught Examinations for Higher Education administered by theSchool of Continuing Education at SIFT has enjoyed a goodreputation, and was named “Excellent Administrator of ShanghaiSelf-Taught Examinations for Higher Education” in2011.

>>The General Affairs Office

The General AffairsOffice, as a body in the School in charge of administrative work,rear services, security and property management, provides supportto the teaching and regular work for the whole School.
Committed to diligence and accountability, we are ready to makeevery effort to provide attentive services.


Contact Us:
Our Address:
School of Continuing Education, Shanghai Institute of ForeignTrade
No. 620, Gubei Road, Shanghai, P.R. China, Postcode200336


TheGeneral Affairs Office:
Contact: (Mr.) Ma Maocai
Tel: +86 (21) 52067357
Fax: +86 (21) 52067276


TheOffice of Self-Taught Examinations for Higher Education:
Contact: (Mr.) Li Chen
Tel: +86 (21) 52067221


TheEvening College:
Contact: (Ms.) Jiang Juan
Tel:+86 (21) 52067351


TheTraining Center:
Contact: (Mr.) Wang Jie
Tel: +86 (21) 52067216