Founded in 1983, theEvening College now offers six transfer programs from an AssociateDegree to a Bachelor’s degree, including programs of InternationalEconomics and Trade, English for Business, Business Administration,Logistics Management, Accounting and Finance. Most courses aretaught by experienced senior instructors from SIFT and otherprestigious universities in Shanghai.

Students with an AssociateDegree of English for Business are eligible to apply for Bachelor’sDegrees of Applied Linguistics after they pass all the coursesrequired by the Evening College with an average mark of 70 orabove. Students with an Associate’s Degree in the other five majorsare eligible to apply for a Bachelor Degree of Economics after theypass all the courses required by the Evening College, obtain anaverage mark of 70 or above and pass the College English Test BandFour.?

Thecore courses for the Program of International Economics and Tradeare Statistics, Microeconomics, Writing in English, BusinessEnglish Correspondence, Principles of Management, InternationalTrade and Practice, Settlement & Financing of InternationalTrade, International Business Negotiation, and Freight andInsurance of Foreign Trade.
The core courses for the Program of English for Business areAdvanced English, Writing in English, Translation,