HuangYuanshen, senior advisor


Professor Huang Yuanshen isa doctoral supervisor with special government allowance. A leadingexpert in English teaching and research in China, Professor Huangwas a Visiting Professor at the University of Sydney, La TrobeUniversity, and Pennsylvania State University. Professor Huang alsoserved as President of China’s Australia Studies Association,councilor of China English Language Education Association, memberof the China National Supervisory Committee for Foreign LanguagesTeaching in Higher Education, member of the Standing Committee ofChina Foreign Literature Teaching and Research Association atUniversities and Colleges, and Vice Chairman of the ShanghaiTranslators Association. In November 2002, on the occasion of the30th anniversary of the establishment of China-Australia diplomaticrelations, Professor Huang, together with seven former Chineseambassadors accredited to Australia, received the Australia-ChinaCouncil Award presented by the Australian Minister for ForeignAffairs.


XiHongmei, teacher of major courses


Associate Professor XiHongmei is Dean of the SIFT Marketing Department, Director of theBilingual Teaching Center, and Academic Coordinator of theMarketing course, a National Model Course of Bilingual Teaching.Professor Xi has been to the Royal Melbourne Institute ofTechnology in Australia, Myongji University in the US, Richard IveySchool of Business of the University of Western Ontario in Canada,and Rotterdam Business School in Holland for further studies andacademic exchanges.


YaoPengfei, teacher of IELTS courses


Mr.Yao Pengfei is a lecturer at the English Department of the SIFTLanguage School. He graduated from the English Department of theEast China Normal University, and studied in La Trobe University inAustralia as an academic exchange student. He has won many prizes,honors and awards, including the Third Prize in Listening andSpeaking Division of the 1st SFLEP National College EnglishTeaching Contest, SIFT Teaching Excellence Award for YoungTeachers, and SIFT Teaching Achievement Award. He also completedwith honors the study at the Senior Seminar for Young CollegeTeachers of Foreign Languages jointly sponsored by the PersonnelDepartment and the Higher Education Department of the Ministry ofEducation.