◇ Shanghai Institute ofForeign Trade
Founded in 1960, theShanghai Institute of Foreign Trade (SIFT), formerly affiliated tothe Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, has beenunder the supervision of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Governmentsince September 1994. SIFT b
oasts three campuses inSongjiang, Gubei and Qibao. SIFT achieved maximum marks in theQuality Assessment of Undergraduate Education from the Ministry ofEducation in December 2006.
Since its creation, SIFThas been committed to cultivating application-orientedprofessionals in international economic relations and trade, andhas now become a moderate-sized, multidisciplinary and distinctiveuniversity in the field of economics and trade in China. Approvedby the Ministry of Education and the Shanghai Education Commission,SIFT currently offers nine degree programs in partnership with fouruniversities in Australia, Canada, Britain and Germany, andstudents studying in these cooperative programs account for 21.5%of all the full-time students. In addition, SIFT keeps goodcooperative relationships with more than 30 universities incountries such as the US, France, Slovenia, and New Zealand.Currently, over 110 teachers deliver 105 basic courses and corecourses in English, covering economics, management, law andliterature. SIFT students have long been known for their Englishproficiency in East China, with first-time pass rates of CET-4 andCET-6 standing at 98% and 86% to 88%respectively.
◇ Dongfang InternationalCenter for Educational Exchange
Affiliated to ChinaScholarship Council (CSC) of the Ministry of Education, DongfangInternational Center for Educational Exchange is committed tointernational education and cooperation. Dongfang InternationalCenter cooperates with universities at home and abroad in studyabroad programs and student exchange programs, with unmatchedexperience in study abroad consulting, admission application, visaservices and other related services.
SIFT Preparatory Programfor Studying in the US is especially tailored for Chinese highschool students wishing to seek tertiary education in US collegesand universities. It aims at helping students to master fundamentalknowledge in a specialization and improve learning skills, so as toaccustom themselves to Western teaching models and succeed in thecompletion of overseas higher education. Credits of certaincontent-based courses are transferrable, thus minimizing students’costs of studying abroad. ==============setpage==============ProgramAdvantages
◇ Most influentialinternational business courses We offer the mostinfluential international business courses with the distinctiveadvantage of bilingual business learning.
◇ Guaranteed enrollment ofprestigious universities Students enjoy priorityadmission to the top 150 universities in the US.
◇ No need to repeat coursesso as to lower overseas studying costs With eligibility ingraduation results, credits in preparatory courses can betransferred, saving about ¥200,000 compared with directly goingabroad.
◇ Our TOEFL Test Centeroffers practice tests during the preparatoryperiod SIFT runs a TOEFL TestCenter, so students can take practice computer-based tests oncampus. Familiarity with the test environment helps students toreduce stress, and repeated practice tests help them to quicklyimprove test performance.
◇ An authoritative serviceorganization helps study abroad planning and visaapplication
Affiliated to ChinaScholarship Council (CSC) of the Ministry of Education, DongfangInternational Center for Educational Exchange helps students toobtain visa. Experienced experts provide one-to-one consultingservices to ensure successful universityplacement.
.Length ofStudy
1 year of study in SIFT + 3or 4 years of study in US universities. .Curriculum Semester Course Credit 1stsemester September –January Basic TOEFLPreparation / ==============setpage============== . US PartnerUniversities
Note:Business majors include Accounting, Finance, Marketing, HumanResources Management, International Business, ManagementInformation System, Business Management, Logistics Management,etc. 2011Prospectus 1.Requirements on Applicants 1)High school graduates or students with an equivalentdegree; 2.Admission Guidelines 1)High school GPA above 75; 3.Tuition and Fees ¥49,000 for tuition fee,¥25,000 for overseas studying services charge, and ¥2,000 fortextbook charge (the difference will be settled later). All theabove fees must be paid at once before the program starts.On-campus accommodation, if desired, should be applied for uponregistration and covered at students’ ownexpenses. 4.Application Procedures 1)Application: fill out the application form, enclosed with 2 recenttwo-inch bareheaded photos and 2 recent one-inch bareheadedphotos. 5.Contact Telephone: 86-21-52067572,86-21-52067537 |
>>SIFT PreparatoryProgram for Studying for a Master’s Degree in Britain andAustralia | ||||||||||||
1.Background Professionals withinternational education have become more and more sought-after inChina. However, due to the differences between Chinese and overseashigher education in terms of system, content and quality, adomestic three-year college diploma is not widely recognizedabroad. If Chinese three-year college students would like to applyfor admission to a master’s program in reputed overseasuniversities, they should first improve their English and completethe undergraduate courses of the fourth year or preparatorymaster’s courses, which is both time-consuming and costly. Inaddition, Chinese undergraduate students often find it hard to getadmitted to the master’s program of a prestigious overseasuniversity simply because of their poor command of English. SIFTPreparatory Program for Studying for a Master’s Degree in Australiaand Britain is designed to help Chinese college or universitygraduates to develop their comprehensive academic competence inpreparation for studying for a master’s degree in business andother subject areas in British and Australianuniversities.
2.Program Overview Incooperation with Dongfang International Center for EducationalExchange, which is affiliated to China Scholarship Council (CSC) ofthe Ministry of Education, the year-long SIFT “1+1” PreparatoryProgram for Studying for a Master’s Degree in Britain and Australiaenrolls aspiring Chinese college and university graduates wishingto study a master’s degree in these twocountries. SIFTSchool of International Education is committed to providingaspiring Chinese students with a better chance to study for amaster’s degree in reputed overseas universities. We have forgedclose partnerships with many famous universities in Britain andAustralia, and students enrolled in our “1+1” Preparatory Programwill, upon successful completion of all the assessments during theperiod of study, have the opportunity to be admitted to themaster’s programs in these universities.
3.Procedures 1year of study at SIFT, 1-1.5 years of study abroad (1 year inBritain or 1-1.5 years in Australia) SIFTProgram: StudyAbroad Program: 4. Features of theProgram 1) Less Time: Compared withthe domestic program which takes 4 to 5 years for three-yearcollege graduates to get through with a master’s degree (2 yearsfor a bachelor’s degree and 2.5 years for a master’s degree), ourprogram only requires about 2 years for them to obtain a master’sdegree from famous universities in Britain andAustralia. 2) Lower cost: Afterfinishing preparatory courses at SIFT and becoming accustomed toEnglish learning environment, students can go abroad for furtherstudies, thus significantly reducing the cost. 3) More targeted:Experienced teachers give lectures to help students pass the IELTStest with good scores; as SIFT runs an IELTS Test Center, afamiliar environment can help students improve their testperformance. 4) University teachingmode: Well-designed curriculum, English language textbooks,bilingual small-class teaching. 5) Rich experience inrunning cooperative programs: With good partnerships with more than30 famous universities in over 10 countries, SIFT enjoys years ofexperience in running cooperative programs. 6) Efficient andprofessional study abroad services: Professional study abroadconsulting services providing advice on career planning andoverseas study, with a high visa approval rate and simplifiedprocedures for going abroad.
5.Applicants 1) At least 3-year collegeeducation in business-related majors 6.Schedule
8. Partner Universities inBritain and Australia Main Partner Universitiesin Britain and Australia: Britain: University of theWest of England, Nottingham Trent University, Sheffield HallamUniversity, Coventry University, University of Liverpool,University of Hull, Swansea University, University of Glasgow,etc. Australia: University ofNewcastle, Curtin University of Technology, Deakin University,Griffith University, James Cook University, University ofWollongong, University of Tasmania Main RelevantMajors: Business-related subjectareas such as MBA, MA Marketing, MSc Human Resources Management, MAInternational Human Resources Management, MSc InternationalManagement, and MSc Financial Management, as well as languages,engineering, computer science, etc.
9. ApplicationProcedures 1) Application: fill outthe application form, enclosed with 2 recent two-inch bareheadedphotos and 2 recent one-inch bareheaded photos.
10. Tuition andFees ¥46,000 for tuition fee,¥8,000 for overseas studying and visa services charge, ¥2,000 fortextbook charge (the difference will be settled later). All theabove fees must be paid at once before the program starts.On-campus accommodation, if desired, should be applied for uponregistration and covered at students’ ownexpenses.
11.Contact Telephone: 86-21-52067572,86-21-52067537 |