Departure Ceremony for 2024 Volunteers of Chinese International Education and Opening Ceremony of Chinese Month Held

On April 23rd, the School of Chinese International Education held the Departure Ceremony for 2024 Volunteers of International Chinese Education and the Opening Ceremony of Chinese Month. Qi Ming,Chairman of SUIBE University Council, joined and addressed the event. Other participants included directors of departments, head of the School of Chinese International Education, Hrvoje Nikolić and Jelena Vrhovski, the teachers from the Confucius Institute of the University of Zagreb, as well as volunteers and representatives of teachers and students of the 2024 International Chinese Education program.

Qi Ming expressed his best wishes to all volunteers who will depart soon, showing his sincere appreciation to the teachers and students from all departments who have been preparing for, organizing, and ensuring the smooth implementation of the Chinese International Education Volunteer Project for a long time, and presenting hearty concern to colleagues from the Confucius Institutes overseas who have long been working hand in hand with SUIBE. In terms of the development of Chinese International education at SUIBE,Qi Ming hopes that students ofSUIBE can cultivate a strong sense of patriotism, broaden their international perspective, and help promote language and culture.He hopes that the Chinese Interantional Education program of SUIBE can provide comprehensive guarantees and intimate services to facilitate the SUIBE’s communication with and training of volunteers of the program. He also hopes that relevant departments can seize the opportunity to deepen exchanges and cooperation and strive for new achievements in the internationalization of SUIBE’s educational characteristics.

At the ceremony, Qi Ming, Guo Qian, Director of the Publicity Department, Zounanan,secretary of the Party from the School of Chinese International Education, Zhang Shuihui, deputy director of International Office and the Confucius Institute Office and Hrvoje Nikolićjointly inaugurated the official opening of the first Chinese Month.

Translated by HuangMeixi