SUIBE holds Forum on Foreign Intellectual Property of Trade Sources

On April 23rd, the Forum on Foreign Intellectual Property of Trade Sources--- Promoting High-quality Developmentthrough the Transformation and Application of Intellectual Property” was held in SUIBE Gubei Campus. This forum was co-hosted by the School of Law of SUIBE, Shanghai Intellectual Property Joint Research Institute, Protection and Assistance Workstation on Rights of Bailian Group of China (Shanghai) Intellectual Property Protection Center, the Institute of International Economic and Trade Innovation and Governance of SUIBE, and Grandall Law Firm (Shanghai).

SUIBE president Wang Rongming addressed the opening ceremony, where he reviewed the development of SUIBE, and introduced the principles and development goals of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Joint Research Institute. He said that this forum will focus on the transformation strategies of data and intellectual property, probing on efficient utilization of data resources and commercial operation of intellectual property through innovation-driven approaches based on the protection of intellectual property. WangRongming looked forward to sharing viewpoints with guests present and contributing wisdom and support to promoting the multi-faceted transformation of data and intellectual property.

At the forum, the Expert Committee of Shanghai Intellectual Property Joint Research Institute was established. Wang Rongming, along with the Head of Strategic Planning Department of Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration Xu Shang, offered the letters of appointment for the first batch of expert committee members. Qiao Baojie, Dean of the School of Law of SUIBE, and WeiQing, the Senior Director of the Legal Affairs Department of Bailian Group, both offered letters of appointment for the newly appointed mentors of the School of Law of SUIBE.

In a seminar session, themedwithmulti-faceted transformation of data and intellectual property: strategies and practices to facilitate high-quality economic development, experts shared their frontier theories and practical experience on “strengthening four mindsets to enhance the quality and efficiency of data intellectual property pilots”, “Dilemma and countermeasures of intellectual property protection for data rights and interests”, and “fulfill duty to boost high-quality economic development in an efficient and comprehensive way”.

Translated by Huang Meixi