SUIBE Holds Training Session on Learning, Implementing Spirit of Xi Jinping’s Important Speech Delivered during His Shanghai Inspection, New Semester Retreat

SUIBE held training session on learning, implementing key spirit of President Xi’s speech during Shanghai inspection, which was also the new semester retreat from February 22nd and 23rd at the Conference Room 506 of the Complex Building at Gubei campus. Themed “Strengthening the engine of comprehensive reform and seeking featured development”, this session aimed at learning and implementing the Spirit of 20th CPC National Congress, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s important remarks on education and the spirit of President Xi’s important speech delivered during his Shanghai inspection. It focused on topics including deepening comprehensive educational reform, optimizing discipline and specialty and upgrading resource service, aiming to lead SUIBE’s development to a new stage through reform and innovation. The leadership of the university, all members of the University council and the Discipline Inspection Committee, middle management, representatives of the Party Congress, representatives of the Faculty Congress, members of non-communist parties, individuals without any party affiliation, representatives of united front groups, representatives of Party branch secretaries, representatives of key researchers and representatives of young teachers attended the session. Qi Ming, Chairman of the University Council of SUIBE, gave a mobilization speech, and Wang Rongming, SUIBE president, made a concluding speech. Wu Yi, Vice Chairman of the University Council of SUIBE, Zhang Yiguo, Vice Chairman of SUIBE Council and Secretary of SUIBE Discipline Inspection Committee, and Xu Yonglin, SUIBE Vice President presided over respective sections of the meeting and made comments on a keynote report.

Qi Ming presented a thorough analysis on the current situation and missions SUIBE was facing in his mobilization speech. Based on the background and significance of the session as well as work of this year, he requested the attendees to have a clear positioning, align their thoughts and clarify the requirements of the comprehensive reform. He urged them to plan the comprehensive reform with outstanding orientation, perseverance and cohesion. He demanded them to carry out meticulous implementation with great sense of responsibility, endeavor and dedication.

Wang Rongming made a concluding speech with the theme of “Strengthening SUIBE’s features and striving for the construction of first-class universities and disciplines by deepening integrated reform and promoting high-quality development”. Giving full recognition to the achievements made in this retreat, he elaborated that development of the university was in an important strategic period and exchanged ideas with the attendees on the theme of the session.

Jiang Xiuzhen, the director of Office of Development and Planning, Yang Xiaoyan, the director of the Logistics Office and Zhang Tiezhu, the executive dean of Dishui Lake Academy of Opening-up and Innovation made keynote reports themed “Optimizing SUIBE’s discipline and major under new circumstances”, “Upgrading logistical service with effective administration and safeguarding the development of SUIBE” and “Dishui Lake strategy: Striving for development through serving national strategies”.

Wang Gonglong, dean of the School of Marxism of Party School of Shanghai Municipal Committee of the CPC and deputy secretary-general of the Shanghai Research Center of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was invited to deliver a keynote report themed “Thoroughly learning and implementing spirit of President Xi’s important speech during his Shanghai inspection”.

Translated by Zhao Renlei