SUIBE Holds 2nd General Assembly of Faculty and Third General Assembly of Union Members

On January 19th, SUIBE held the 2nd General Assembly of Faculty and Third General Assembly of Union Members at its Songjiang campus. Present at the assembly were chairman of the university council Qi Ming, SUIBE president Wang Rongming, vice chairman of the university council and Union chairman Wu Yi, vice chairman of the university council and secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission Zhang Yiguo and vice president Xu Yonglin. 101 official representatives attended the assembly.


Wang Rongming delivered an administrative work report titled “Seizing opportunity with decisiveness and intelligence to usher in a new pattern of high-quality development of SUIBE”. The report reviewed SUIBE’s development since 2023, raised plans and key missions for the major work in 2024. The report also discussed the main measures SUIBE had taken in 2023 to safeguard the rights and interests of its teachers and students as well as demonstrated its working strategy of 2024.


Wu Yi delivered the 2nd annual work report of the Union Committee titled “Establishing a new landscape for union work with cohesion, commitment, creation and endeavor”. Xu Yonglin made his report on the financial work of SUIBE.

Divided into 7 delegations, the representatives deliberated on relevant report and passed the assembly resolution.

Qi Ming demanded the attendees to keep serving the significant strategies of China’s and Shanghai’s development based on clear targets, shoulder responsibilities and embrace implementation-orientation to effectively carry out key missions for new comprehensive reform, and uphold Party building measures and build a solid foundation to strive for the improvement of integrated support and governance system.

Translated by Zhao Renlei