SUIBE Holds 2023 Seminar on University-Enterprise Cooperation

On the afternoon of December 28th, SUIBE held the 2023 University-Enterprise Cooperation Seminar in Gubei campus. The meeting aimed at strengthening cooperation between enterprises and universities, promoting industry-education integration and ensuring higher-quality employment for graduates. The seminar was attended by Wang Rongming, president of SUIBE and Xu Jiliang, member of the Standing Committee of the University Council of SUIBE, as well as representatives from more than 20 employers engaged in finance, consulting services, fast moving consumer goods industry, new energy, education, and other sectors that have historically hired a large proportion of graduates from SUIBE

Wang Rongming delivered a welcome speech, expressing his gratitude to all the guests. He pointed out that SUIBE has set up an integrated talent cultivation system of bachelor's and master's degrees with distinctive features and advantages after more than 60 years of development. In response to the nation's new requirements for opening up at a higher level, and with the goal of better serving national strategies and regional economic and social development, the university has built its education and talent chains based on industrial and innovation chains, and continuously innovated its talent cultivation models. It has strengthened the development of new liberal arts disciplines and interdisciplinary integration, and explored new models of collaborative education that integrate industry and academia as well as science and education. Remarkable results have been achieved in this regard.

He hoped this seminar could deepen understanding and cooperation between SUIBE and enterprises so as to ensure a smooth transition for students from the university to workplace. He encouraged the two sides to explore new models and paths of cooperation for mutual development, and invited everyone present to become the mentor of students in their career development.

Representatives of SUIBE schools introduced their disciplines and specialties and the characteristics of talent cultivation. Representatives of enterprises shared valuable ideas on talent cultivation of university in the light of the current economic environment, changes of industries and campus recruitment. XuJiliang expressed her gratitude to the employers for their long-term support in talent cultivation and student employment, and exchanged ideas with them.

Translated by Cui Kexin