22nd Annual WTO and China Academic Conference Co-hosted by SUIBE, UIBE, CWTO

The 22nd Annual Conference on WTO and China - Prospects on WTO Reform and MC13 (13th Ministerial Conference) was held on November 28thand 29thby SUIBE, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), and China Society for World Trade Organization Studies (CWTO).The conference held discussions on the trends in the global trade landscape, WTO reform and the MC13. About more than 200 people, including experts and scholars from major universities and research institutions at home and abroad, participated in the conference both online and offline.


SUIBE President Wong Rongming said in his speech that SUIBE has always paid close attention to the future of the multilateral trading system and play edan positive role in the cooperation between China and theWTO. The universitywill continue to leverage the chair program to promote communication and cooperation in teaching and research, to bring into play the synergistic effect between the chair institutions, and to jointly explore the way to make breakthroughs for the WTO reform.


At this annual meeting, scholars from various universities and research institutions in multiple countries and regions brought abundant emerging research results, and conducted extensive and in-depth exchanges and discussions on WTO reform, prospects on the MC13, framework for a sustainable trading system, among others.

Translated by HuangMeixi