SUIBE Holds Class of 2023 Graduation Ceremony

SUIBE held the Class of 2023 graduation ceremony at the South Square of the Information Building on the morning of June 20th. Yin Yao, chairman of the University Council of SUIBE, Wang Rongming, SUIBE president, Wu Yi, vice chairman of the University Council of SUIBE, Xu Yonglin and Yu Xuemei, SUIBE vice presidents attended the ceremony. Qi Ming, vice chairman of the University Council and vice president of SUIBE, presided over the ceremony

At the ceremony, Wang Rongming delivered a speech titled “Dance to the Song of Life”. As the graduates are about to embark on a new journey, he encouraged them, whom he compared to musical notes, to embrace the “music score of life,” find their proper positions on the score and navigate life’s ebbs and flows to create a colorful life. 

Yu Xuemei announced the 2023 list of master’s degrees to be awarded. Xu Yonglin announced the 2023 list of bachelor’s and honorary bachelor’s degrees to be awarded. Wu Yi announced the 2023 list of municipal- and university-level outstanding graduates. 

Professor Jiang Xiu zhen, dean of the School of Management, delivered a speech on behalf of the faculty. Hu Yuhan from the School of Finance made remarks as a graduate representative. Michelle Florencia Jonasse from Mozambique spoke as a representative of international graduates.

Yin Yao awarded certificates to three outstanding graduates taking jobs in grass-roots units.

The ceremony was brought to a climax as Wang Rongming sang the song “Wild geese flying to the south”.

Translated by Cheng Yi