SUIBE Holds Kick-Off Meeting on Teaching Review and Evaluation for Undergraduate Programs

On the afternoon of March 28th, a kick-off meeting on teaching review and evaluation for undergraduate programs of SUIBE was held in the Lecture Hall 526 of the Information Building. The meeting was attended by Yin Yao, chairman of the University Council of SUIBE, Wang Rongming, SUIBE president, Qi Ming, vice chairman of the University Council and vice president of SUIBE, Wu Yi, vice chairman of the University Council of SUIBE, and SUIBE vice president Xu Yonglin.


Yin Yao made a mobilization speech, in which he stressed that the meeting is a systemic project concerning the university and a comprehensive test for the effectiveness of the university's undergraduate programs. He put forward three requirements for the university to embrace appraisals for better development. He urged the university to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and adhere to fostering character and civic virtue and cultivating a new generation capable of shouldering the mission of the times. He said the university should have an accurate grasp of the new changes of review and evaluation, focus on the key points and clarify the goals, and promote coordinated development, undertake responsibility at all levels and ensure the implementation of various decisions.


Wang Rongming made the deployment of the review and evaluation work. He affirmed the outstanding achievements in the reform of undergraduate education and teaching since the last round of review and evaluation, and encouraged all teachers and students to make unremitting efforts and seize this important opportunity to improve the quality of talent cultivation to a new level. He stressed increasing quality awareness and attaching great importance to the review and evaluation to improve the quality of talent cultivation, facing up to the gaps and shortcomings and taking the review and evaluation as an opportunity to make more efforts to improve weak links, strengthen strong links and forge new links, and taking preventive measures, laying a solid foundation, and carrying out the self-review and self-evaluation.


The meeting invited Chen Yi, former executive vice president of Tongji University, and Chen Yiyi, president of Sander University, to give a counseling report entitled “The new round of review and evaluation and preparations of schools”.


Xu Yonglin made a summary speech He proposed grasping and focusing on key points, and formulating timetables and roadmaps to ensure detailed implementation, so as to embrace the review and evaluation with a high morale, and continue to bring out the full potential for high-quality development of  the university.

Translated by Wang Yanan