SUIBE Holds Training Session on Learning, Implementing Spirit of 20th CPC National Congress, Spring Semester Retreat

SUIBE held a training session on learning andimplementing thespirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which was also thespring semester retreat from February 14 to 17. Themed “Deep diving into the spirit of the20th CPC National Congress, speeding up capacity building in serving national strategies and Shanghai’s urban Construction, and striving for a new patternof high-quality development”,the meeting aimed at soliciting opinions to enhance the four servicesof SUIBE.The click-and-mortar conference included an online training sessionheld on February 14thand15th and an in-personseminarhosted at the Conference Room 506 of the Complex Building at Gubei campus on February 16thand17th.The leadership of the university, all members of the Party Committee and the Discipline Inspection Committee, middle-level leaders,representatives of the Party Congress, representatives of the Teachers Congress, members of non-communist parties, individuals without any party affiliation, representatives of united front groups, representatives of party branch secretaries, representatives of key researchers and representatives of young teachers attended the meeting.Qi Ming, Vice Chairman of the University Council of SUIBE and Vice President of theuniversity, and Wu Yi, Vice Chairman of the University Council of SUIBE, presided over the offline meeting. Vice presidents XuYonglin and Yu Xuemei made comments on an offline keynote report.

In his mobilization speech, Yin Yao, Chairman of the University Council of SUIBE conveyed the spirit of a study session held bythe central group of the Shanghai municipal Party committee and a spring meeting of Party and government officials in charge of Shanghai universities.Based on the background and significance of the meeting this time and the work of this year, he put forward four hopes.He encouraged the attendees toimprovepolitical stance,study and implement the spirit of the 20thCPC National Congress. He also encouraged them to have a high morale and act responsibly. He noted a systematic concept should be strengthened and the strategic initiative and the spirit of struggle be enhanced, requesting the attendees to improve their conduct and political integrity.

Wang Rongming made a concluding speech with the theme of “Committing to innovation, daring to be the first, and acting positivelyto accelerate the capacity building in servingnational strategies and Shanghai’smodernization drive”. He exchanged ideas with the attendees on the three aspects offurther enhancing SUIBE’s status as an international university, expanding strategic cooperation anddeepening research services, and promoting high-quality development of social services.

Jin Quan, Director of International Office, Yan Haizhou, Director of Scientific Research Office, and Qiu Guixi, Dean of Open Education College, gave keynote reports on “Thoughts on the internationalization strategy of the university in the new era --- Empowering the high-quality development of the university by opening up education to the outside world”, “Actively expanding social cooperation, deepening scientific research to serve the society and build a new development pattern of the university”,“Accelerating the construction of a new pattern of educational services to promote the high-quality development of social services of the university”, respectively.


Translated by Gao Shan