SUIBE President Wang Rongming Leads Delegation to Visit SIPA

On January 17th,SUIBE president Wang Rongming led a delegation to visit the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration(SIPA) for research and further discussion on the strategic cooperation between SUIBE and the SIPA and onthe establishment of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Joint Research Institute.SUIBE vice president andVice Chairman of the University Council QiMing were in the delegation. The discussion was also joined by Rui Wenbiao, Secretary of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Director General of the SIPA, Wei Lan, member of the Leading Party Members’ Group and Deputy Director General of the SIPA, and other heads of SIPA departments.

Wang Rongming said that as the only university in the Yangtze River Delta focusing on the studies of foreign economy andtrade, SUIBE will bring together excellenttalents in intellectual property research from across the university and Shanghaitobuild the Shanghai Intellectual Property Joint Research Instituteinto a high-level multi-disciplinaryand open research platform. Theinstitute will help promote the high-quality development of intellectual property in Shanghai and provide thinktank services and supportfor realizingShanghai’s strategic goals such as achieving higher-level opening up and accelerating the construction of the “Five Centers”, namely an international economic center, financial center, trade center, shipping center, and technological innovation center.

Rui Wenbiao hoped that based on the joint establishment of the institute, SUIBE,giving full play to its distinctive advantages, could support Shanghai’s intellectual property development with globally orientedand professional think tank services that focuson international intellectual property rules, overseas intellectual property rights protection assistance and alert, intellectual property protection for emerging industries, and training ofinnovative talentsin intellectual property, soastocontribute to Shanghai’s efforts inbuildingitself into an internationalhighland of intellectual property right protection and a global center of intellectual property.


Translated by Wang Yajuan