French (Concentration in Business French)

This program aims to cultivate international business professionals with good overall quality, good command of the French language and professional knowledge, a certain degree of literary quality and cultural cognitive ability, as well as familiarity with the fundamental theories and practices of international economy and trade, meeting the needs of Chinas foreign economic and trade exchanges, national and local economic and social development, foreign-related industries, and French education and academic research.

The main courses are Intensive Reading of Basic French; Basic French Speaking; Basic French Listening; Intensive Reading of Advanced French, French Viewing, Listening, and Speaking; French Grammar; Chinese-French Translation; Selected Readings of French Literature; French Society and Culture; French Writing; Business French; Mutual Learning & Appreciation between Chinese and French Culture; Introduction to Linguistics; French Academic Writing; French Practical Writing; Chinese-French/French-Chinese interpretation; Principles of Economics; International Trade; Practice of International Trade; International Finance; and Second Foreign Language (English).

The career options for graduates of this program include governmental sectors, public institutions, foreign-related state-owned and private enterprises, financial institutions, training institutions, and multinational companies.