SUIBE Holds Annual Meeting of Shanghai Society of World Economy held

  The 2021 Annual Meeting of the Shanghai Society of World Economy(SSWE) was held by the SSWE and SUIBE online on Dec. 4. The meeting was themed“The Post-pandemic World Economy: Relaunching the Free Trade Process vs. Accelerating the Industrial Chain Decoupling”. Experts and scholars from SSWE, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and various universities and academic institutions attended the meeting.

  In her opening speech, XuMei, vice chairman of the University Council of SUIBE, expressed her hopethat all economists could share their insights on China’s economy, discuss the development path of the world and Chineseeconomy, and contribute their wisdom to the steady and long-term development of China’s economy.

  The annual meetingincluded a main forum and threesub-forums. The main consisted ofanopening ceremony, keynote speeches, senior experts forum and young and middle-aged experts forum. More than 180 experts, scholars and students from research institutes,SUIBE, and otheruniversities attended the meeting, andnearly 30 experts and scholars deliveredspeeches. Theactive meeting achieved fruitful results.