SUIBE Leaders Hold Talkwith Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce on Program of Talent Training for International Organizations

Ms.XuMei, deputy secretary of the CPCSUIBE committee on April 1 led a delegationof five membersto the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce (SMCC) for exchanges on SUIBE’stalent trainingprogram for international organizations. They were received by Mr.ZhangGuohua, deputy director of theSMCC, as well as other officialsfrom relevant departments.

Ms.XuMei briefed the university’s program oftalenttraining for international organizations, and Mr.YingPin’guang reported a plan (draft for discussion purposes) of the schoolto pave career pathways for students to international organizations. Later, the two sides held in-depth exchanges on the plan.

Mr.ZhangGuohua pointed out that the SMCCwill further implement the strategic cooperation agreement with the SUIBE, fully support SUIBE’s high-end program of talent training forinternational organizations, and launchextensive cooperation with the university.

Based on the suggestions madeby theSMCC, SUIBE will further optimize the program and promote itsimplementation.