Shanghai Summer School 2016 Concludes

The closing ceremony for the 2016 Shanghai Summer School OceaniaProgram was held on July 15 on SUIBE’s Gubei campus. Vice PresidentNie Qing attended the ceremony and presented certificates to theforeign students who participated in the program. Qiu Guixi, Deanof the School of International Studies recognized the work of theChinese volunteers and presented them with awards.

In her address, VP Nie expressed the hope that the foreign studentswould take Shanghai as their second home and study and work in thecity in the future. The foreign students extended their gratitudeto the organizers and volunteers. They said they enjoyed the stayin Shanghai, and would share their experience with family andfriends and cherish the memories forever.

The program, sponsored by the Shanghai Education Commission andorganized by SUIBE, is aimed at providing foreign students inOceania with an opportunity to learn about traditional Chineseculture and modern China so as to promote mutual exchanges. Throughthe channels provided by Chinese diplomatic missions in foreigncountries and partner institutions of SUIBE, the program attracted60 students from seven universities in Australia, New Zealand andisland countries in Oceania this year. The seven universities arethe University of Melbourne, University of Wollongong, DeakinUniversity, RMIT University, University of Otago, Otago Polytechnicand University of the South Pacific. The program offeredcurriculums ranging from specialized business lectures and Chineselanguage courses to traditional Chinese cultural courses featuringcalligraphy, paper cutting, masks of Peking Opera, traditionalChinese dancing and martial arts, as well as experience visits torenowned cultural spots in Shanghai and Nanjing. After themonth-long program, the foreign students deepened theirunderstanding of the Chinese language and culture and formedfriendship with their Chinese peers.