SUIBE Marxist School Signs Letter of Intent on Cooperation with Moscow State University Faculty of Philosophy

On 17 June, Professor Zhang Guifang, Dean of SUIBE Marxist School,and Dr. Zhou Jie, was at the Faculty of Philosophy, LomonosovMoscow State University (MSU), and signed a Letter of Intent onCooperation to strengthen academic ties with the Russianuniversity.

Professor Zhang met with Dr. Mironov Vladimir, MSU Deputy Vector,Dean of MSU Faculty of Philosophy, and Member Correspondent ofRussian Academy of Sciences, and discussed in details a wide rangeof issues such as fields of research, members of faculty, prioritydisciplines, and teacher and student exchange programs. As aresult, a Letter of Intent on Cooperation was signed between SUIBEMarxist School and MSU Faculty of Philosophy. The two sidesintended to cooperate in jointly hosting international academicseminars, launching scholar and student exchange programs, andsponsoring scholar lectures. This marked a breakthrough for SUIBEMarxist School to establish academic ties with universities inRussia and Central Asia, thus expanding the horizons ofinternational academic exchange and providing new opportunities forimproving international cooperation in philosophy, the humanitiesand social sciences.

Established in 1755, MSU is the largest, the oldest comprehensiveuniversity in Russia and is rated among the universities with thebest reputation in the world. The Faculty of Philosophy at MUS wasone of the first three faculties opened when the University wasoriginally founded. Many well-known Russian philosophers,statesmen, economists, and educators have studied and taught at theFaculty during its history.