SUIBE Delegation Visits British and Irish Universities

A SUIBE delegation led by Vice President Xu Yonglin visited theUniversity of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Edinburgh NapierUniversity, Dublin City University (DCU), and University CollegeCork (UCC) at their invitations. Also in the delegation were ChenZilei, Director of the Division of Academic Research, WangGuanglin, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, He Xuehui, Deanof the School of Finance, and Xie Jinyu, Office of InternationalExchange.


With 15 years of successful cooperation thanks to the concertedefforts, SUIBE and the University of Central Lancashire havedeveloped various forms of multi-dimensional cooperation includingfaculty exchange programs and cooperative programs with the Schoolof Foreign Languages and the School of Tourism and EventManagement. The SUIBE delegation visited Chinese students studyingEnglish for International Business in UCLan and SUIBE visitingscholars to UCLan.


Edinburgh Napier University is a modern university in closecooperation with the business community, enjoying a good reputationas a provider of quality professional programs. Its Business Schoolis the biggest of its kind in Scotland, turning out a great numberof qualified graduates who work in finance and insurance sectors.SUIBE and Edinburgh Napier University had run a 3+1 program. DuringSUIBE’s visit, the two universities signed a Memorandum ofCooperation involving items on exchange visits, facultydevelopment, publication of academic journals, cooperation ineducation, 3+1 and 4+1 student exchange programs, and thepossibility for SUIBE graduates in Master of Accounting to pursuedoctoral studies in Edinburgh Napier University.


Offering programs relevant to the industry and trade area inIreland, Dublin City University is devoted to developing studentsready to meet the needs of the social and business communities. TheSUIBE delegation had an in-depth discussion with DCU on thepossibility of developing faculty and student exchange programs ascooperation, and gave as presents books on literature studies fromSUIBE’s Irish Studies Centre to DCU’s School of Applied Languageand Intercultural Studies.


A member of the National University of Ireland, University CollegeCork is one of the oldest universities in Ireland. SUIBE signedwith UCC a Memorandum of Cooperation on academic and researchcollaborations, and visited the library, start-up incubation centreand student activities facilities of UCC.