Atlas Copco China Representatives in Talks with SUIBE School of Finance for Cooperation

On the morning of 8 June, Chu Fei, Human Resources Manager forGreater China, Atlas Copco (China) Investment Co., Ltd., and ZhangMin, Business Partner, came to SUIBE School of Finance to discussthe revision of the agreement on student scholarship and financialaid, the signing of the agreement on internship, and other matters.After reviewing the running of the scholarship agreement since itwas signed in 2012, both sides spoke highly of the achievementsmade so far and expressed the wish to further promotebusiness-university cooperation.

Following in-depth discussion, the two sides reached an intent ofcooperation on a wide range of issues such as a new studentscholarship and financial aid scheme, career counselingcooperation, and internship programs. Based on the principle ofdevelopment-oriented assistance, both sides agreed to build adiversified platform to help the all-round development of studentsby encouraging them to become more proactive, innovative andcommitted.

The student scholarship and financial aid program between AtlasCopco and SUIBE has been in effect for the past four years, helping53 students with a total sum of 77,000 Yuan. The revisedscholarship and financial aid scheme is expected to go intooperation from September 2016.