SIFT Vice President Meets with American Guests

October 9, 2012


On the morning of 10 October 2012, Professor Ye Xingguo, VicePresident of SIFT, met with American Professors Jonathan Schroederand Janet Borgerson. Professor Wei Jiannong, Dean of SIFTManagement School, was also present during the meeting.


During the talks, Professor Ye briefed the American guests on thelatest developments of SIFT, particularly measures taken in recentyears to promote curriculum development and academic research. Thetwo visiting American professors expressed their wish for academiccooperation in the future. Professor Wei discussed details ofpossible academic cooperation and reached some consensus with theAmerican guests.


Well recognized in their respective research fields, ProfessorJonathan Schroeder and Professor Janet Borgerson are on theeditorial boards of many international journals. During their stay,the two professors were invited to give three seminars to SIFTteachers and students.