SIFT Vice President Meets with Chief of Staff of the Office of the WTO Director-General

October 9, 2012

In late September 2012, SIFT Vice President Ye Xingguo met with MsArancha González Laya, Chef de Cabinet of the Office of the WTODirector-General and SIFT guest professor. During the talks, thetwo sides reviewed the progress of the WTO Chairs Program (WCP) atSIFT. Ms González gave a positive assessment of what the WCP hadachieved at SIFT over the past two years. The two sides alsobriefed each other on the latest developments of SIFT and the WTO.

During her stay, Ms González delivered a speech titled “Old Agendaand New Territory: Governance of Non-Tariff Measures” to SIFTgraduate and undergraduate students. At the end of her speech, MsGonzález took questions from the students.

Ms González has been Chief of Staff in the office of Pascal Lamy,WTO Director–General, since September 2005, responsible for mattersrelating to the General Council, Trade Negotiations Committee(TNC), Human Resources, Information, Media and Planning. She holdsa degree in law from the University of Navarra and a postgraduatedegree in European Law from the University Carlos III (Madrid). Shealso serves as the WTO Chair Coordinator for SIFT.