SIFT Vice President Meets with Assistant Director of the Careers Service of Oxford University

On 7 September 2012, SIFT Vice President Chen Jie met with Ms.Tracy Wells, Assistant Director of the Careers Service of OxfordUniversity, who came to visit SIFT at the invitation of SIFTStudent Affairs Office. During the talks, Vice President Chenbriefed Ms. Wells on the latest developments of SIFT and the careerprospects of the students, and exchanged views on matters such ascooperation in professional development education, teacher trainingand study tours, hoping to cement ties between the two universitiesin the future.


During her stay in SIFT, Ms. Wells was also invited to give aspeech on the career services offered by Oxford University to allthe staff at the SIFT Student Affairs Office, discussing in detailswhat Oxford University has done to help its graduates to findemployment and highlighting in particular its career developmentprograms.