Delegation from University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Visits SIFT

On 20 May 2012, the delegation of 21 business students from theUniversity of Wisconsin – Whitewater (UW-Whitewater) visited SIFTAccounting School. The UW-Whitewater Delegation was led by Dr. JohnChenoweth, Associate Dean and Professor, College of Business andEconomics, Dr. Linda Yu, Chair and Associate Professor, Departmentof Finance and Business Law, and Dr. Zhu Jianzhou, Professor at theDepartment of Finance and Business Law.


When meeting with the UW-Whitewater Delegation, Professor Li Wanli,Dean of SIFT Accounting School, gave a brief account of the latestdevelopments and international exchange programs of the AccountingSchool, and presented a letter of appointment to the three visitingprofessors from UW-Whitewater officially appointing them SIFT guestprofessors. Li Lin, Associate Professor of SIFT Accounting School,gave a talk on the financing for small and medium-sized enterprisesin China to the UW-Whitewater Delegation.