Visit by Mr. Crandall from USC Marshall School of Business

Mr. Crandall from the Marshall School of Business, University ofSouthern California visited SIFT on the afternoon of March 14. XuDongfeng, Director of the International Affairs Office, JiangXiuzhen, Deputy Dean of the Management School , and Jin Quan,Assistant Dean of the Business School had a talk with Mr. Crandallon the possibilities of initiating study tour programs and studentexchange programs at undergraduate, graduate and MBA levels. Mr.Crandall expressed the intention of starting cooperative programswith SIFT.


Established in 1880, the University of Southern California (USC) islocated in the downtown area of Los Angeles, California. Rankedamong the Top 20 universities in the U.S., USC is one of theworld’s leading private academic and research universities. USCMarshall School of Business is ranked the 9th among the U.S.universities.