From February 21 to 26, the Chinese leg of the Jessup InternationalLaw Moot Court Competition was held in the Renmin University ofChina. The competition was among 37 teams sent by well-knownChinese universities, including Peking University, RenminUniversity, Xiamen University, Wuhan University, Fudan University,China University of Political Science and Law and ShanghaiInstitute of Foreign Trade. SIFT team consisting of seven teachersand students was placed the second after competing with the JohnsHopkins University-Nanjing University Centre for Chinese andAmerican Studies, Shangdong University, China University ofPolitical Science and Law and Xiamen University.
Started in 1959, the Jessup International Law Moot CourtCompetition is jointly organized by the International Law StudentsAssociation and American Society of International Law. Known as theOlympics in the field of law, Jessup is the largest and mostprestigious moot competition in the world, attracting participantsfrom about 900 universities in more than 100 countries each year.It is the 6th time in a row for SIFT to participate in thecompetition.