On March 1st, delegates from the U.S. Niagara University, includingits Vice President Dr. Timothy Downs, Professor from the College ofHospitality and Tourism Management Dr.Zhou Zongqing, and Professorfrom the College of Business Administration Dr.Tenpao Lee visitedSIFT. SIFT Vice President Xu Xiaowei met with the delegates. Thetwo sides signed a cooperative framework agreement on faculty andstudents exchange programs and other cooperative programs. SIFTAssistant President Nie Qing and Director of the Higher EducationInstitute of SIFT Song Caiping exchanged views with the U.S. sideon AACSB accreditation.
Founded in 1856, the time-honored Niagara University maintainsprestigious AACSB international accreditation in its MBA program.The College of Hospitality and Tourism Management is ranked 10th inthe U.S. among hospitality programs. The purpose of this visit isfor the Niagara University to discuss with the SIFT Tourism andEvent Management School on cooperative teaching programs, facultyexchanges, research cooperation and other possible cooperativeprograms.