Dr. Thomas Merz at Fontys University of Applied Sciences Visits SIFT

Dr. Thomas Merz, Deputy Managing Director of Fontys InternationalHogeschool Economie at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, theNetherlands, visited SIFT on 22 February 2012. He met with Ms. XuDongfeng, Chief of SIFT Office of International Exchange, Mr. QiuGuixi, Dean of SIFT School of International Studies, Ms. Lin Jie,Vice Dean of SIFT School of Finance, Mr. Jin Quan, Assistant toDean of SIFT School of International Business, and Dr. Zhang Liang,SIFT School of Accounting.


During the talks, the two sides briefed each other on the latestdevelopments of their universities, discussed internationalcooperation projects between the two universities, and agreed tolaunch student exchange programs from next semester.


Located in Provincie Noord-Brabant and established on 1 September1996, Fontys University of Applied Sciences is one of the largestinstitutions for higher education in the Netherlands. Theuniversity provides international business management,international logistics and international supply chain management,information systems, international management informatics, andinternational marketing in its undergraduate and postgraduateprograms.