Workshop on Economic and Financial Security in the 21st Century Held in SIFT

A Workshop on Economic and Financial Security in the 21st Centuryjointly organized by SIFT and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) washeld on Gubei campus of SIFT on November 18th, 2011.


Prof.Ye Xingguo, SIFT Vice President attended and addressed theworkshop. Dr.Peter Hefele, Director of KAS chaired the workshop. Inthe keynote speeches, Dr.Wang Haifeng, director of the Institutefor International Economic Research of the National Development andReform Commission of China (NDRC) offered Chinese perspectives onthe role of G20 and BRICS in the world new economic order. Dr.Mohan Guruswamy, founder and chairman of the Centre for PolicyAlternatives in New Delhi gave Indian perspectives on the call forsustainable financial system in light of the global economicdevelopment. SIFT Professor Zhang Yongan, former Indian Ambassadorto Germany T.C.A. Rangachari, Professor Dr. Stefan Fr?hlich of theUniversity Erlangen-Nürnberg, and Prof. Holger H. Mey fromCassidian EADS commented on the keynote speeches by Dr.Wang Haifengand Dr. Mohan Guruswamy.


VP Ye extended warm welcome on behalf of SIFT to the Indian andGerman guests and briefed them on the basic information about SIFT,with a focus on SIFT’s education and research activities andinvolvement in academic exchanges with international organizationsand China’s major trading partners as well as the high reputationSIFT enjoys in these aspects. Pan Zhenqiang, Senior Adviser of theChina Reform Forum, Xue Fukang Vice Chairman of the China ReformForum, Ma Jiali, Research Fellow of the China Institutes ofContemporary International Relations, Xu Dongfeng, Director of SIFTOffice of International Affairs, Dai Tianzhu, Deputy Dean andProfessor of SIFT Finance School, some faculty members andpostgraduates from SIFT Finance School attended the workshop.Professors and experts from China, India and Germany discussedissues such as China’s role in G20, and the challenges faced byemerging economies in rebalancing the world economy when US economyis sluggish and Europe is plagued by debt crisis. Dr. BeatriceGorawantschy, head of the KAS office in New Delhi wrapped up theworkshop.