RMIT Students Delegation in SIFT on China Culture Tour

On 21 November, the Welcome Ceremony for the Students Delegationfrom Australia’s Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) ontheir 2011 China Culture Tour was held in Room 205 at thePost-baccalaureate Training Center at Gubei Campus. Professor ShenLiangyu, Dean of the SIFT School of Business, Mr. Zhang Zhongliang,Deputy Dean, Mr. Jin Quan, Assistant to the Dean, Mr. Paul Cerrottiand Mr. John Pastoriza-Pinol, who led the RMIT Delegation, attendedthe ceremony. Ms. Tian Qin, Director of SIFT Student Services forJoint Programs, presided at the ceremony. As the end of theceremony, SIFT Business School Professor He Zhongmei delivered alecture on the impact of globalization upon China’s economicdevelopment.


The China Culture Tour, a two-week event in collaboration betweenSIFT and RMIT, has run into its 10th year and is attended by 65RMIT students in 2011, the largest of its kind. The RMIT study tourinvolves a series of lectures on Chinese culture and economy,cultural, historical and business site visits in Shanghai, andsocializing activities with SIFT students at Songjiang campus.