Member of the Executive Board of Hogeschool Rotterdam Visits SIFT

On the afternoon of September 5, 2011, Gerard van Drielen, memberof the Executive Board of Hogeschool Rotterdam/Rotterdam Universityof Applied Science, Michel Molier, Dean of the Rotterdam BusinessSchool(RBS), and Anselm Vermeulen, RBS representative to China,paid a visit to SIFT. Vice President Xu Xiaowei met with theguests. On the SIFT side, representatives from the Office ofInternational Affairs, School of Foreign Languages, School ofInternational Studies and Professional Development Centre alsoattended the meeting.


On behalf of SIFT, VP Xu extended warm welcome to the guests andbriefed them on the latest development of SIFT and its recentefforts in international exchanges. She also expressed the wishthat faculty and student exchange between SIFT and RBS will befurther strengthened. Initial agreements have been achieved afterdetailed discussion on the model of cooperation between the twosides.


Established in 1966, Rotterdam Business School is located inRotterdam, the second largest city of the Netherlands. Affiliatedto Hogeschool Rotterdam/Rotterdam University of Applied Science, itis the biggest business school in the Netherlands. Our cooperationwith RBS started with student exchange and has gradually developedinto other areas such as faculty exchange. Two professors from SIFTrespectively participated in the academic events organized by RBSand gave lectures on China’s economy and business issues in RBS.Since 2009, the two universities have started to jointly offer amodule on entrepreneurship --“Junior Enterprise”. Under thesupervision of teachers from both sides, students from SIFT and RBScollaborate to establish international start-up teams, makebusiness plans, and register in the Netherlands enterprises wherethe business plans are carried out. This module was categorized asone of the key courses by the Shanghai Education Commission in2010. The third round of the teaching will start this October.