The international symposium of G20 and global governance in 21th century was held in SIFT

On the afternoon of March 10th, the international workshop on G-20and 21st Century Global Governance was convened on SIFT Songjiangcampus. Romano Prodi, former Prime Minister of Italy and Former ofthe European Commission, Laurent Fabius, former Prime Minister ofFrance, Patrick Molle, President of EMLYON Business School, DavidGosset, professor of China Europe International Business School,Zhang Minxuan, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Municipal EducationCommittee, Sheng Bin, Associate Dean of the School of Economics ofNankai University, Sun Haiming, SIFT President and Ye Xingguo, SIFTVice President attended the workshop. Over 300 teachers andstudents from SIFT were also present. The workshop was chaired byPresident Sun Haiming.


Welcome remarks by President Sun Haiming and Deputy Director ZhangMinxuan were followed by the keynote speeches by Mr. Prodi, formerItalian Prime Minister, and by Mr. Fabius, former French PrimeMinister respectively.


Mr. Prodi introduced the history and status quo of G-20, elaboratedits role in global governance, and analyzed the problems faced byG-20. Mr. Fabius reviewed the history of G-20 and its developmentfrom G-7 to G-20, analyzed the impact of globalization andinternational financial crisis on G-20, and introduced programs tobe implemented by G-20 with France as its rotary chair country thisyear.