Coventry University Faculties and Students Visited SIFT

From May 15th to 20th, 5 teachers and students from CoventryUniversity, SIFT cooperative academy of the “British Prime MinisterPlan” program, paid a visit to SIFT to have a 4-day“China Business”training and do academic exchanges.


The British delegation attended the “China Business” course offeredby SIFT Post-graduate Training Centre, and exchanged ideas withstudents from SIFT Students Entrepreneurship Centre SIFT studentsintroduced the general information about and operation concept ofStudents Entrepreneurship Centre and Coventry Universitycounterparts shared their entrepreneurial experiences andunderstanding of entrepreneurship. The British delegation alsovisited enterprises started by SIFT alumni and guest professors.The visit gave them a deeper understanding of China’s economicdevelopment, business environment, business culture and theentrepreneurship and experiences of Chinese enterprisers.


Founded in 1843, Coventry University is located in the centre ofCity Coventry in mid-England. Its Faculty of Business is one of thelargest business schools in Europe. Crowned as EntrepreneurialUniversity, it is in the van of innovative and entrepreneurialeducation in Britain.