RMIT Vice-Chancellor Visited SIFT

The Pro Vice-Chancellor (International and Development) of TheRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), Mr. StephenConnelly and Mr. Scott Crighton, Assistant Director of GlobalBusiness Development, paid a visit to SIFT on April 20th. XuXiaowei, vice-president of SIFT and president of the executivecounsel of SIFT?RMIT International Business School, Nie Qing, deanof International Business School of SIFT and dean of SIFT?RMITInternational Business School, and members of the executive counselof SIFT met with the visiting guests on Gubei campus. The two sidesexchanged their views and had a thorough discussion in respect ofthe current situation, prospect and innovative mode of cooperation.They also expressed their wishes to reinforce the partnership.